..Viral component adds thousands of free ad views
Viral component adds thousands of free ad views


Since Josh and Robert took over Adzly.com I have been
monitoring the click through rates for text and image
ads from the system.

First off the click through rates (thats people
clicking to go to the sites advertised) is almost
double that of the best performing TE in my portfolio.


On top of that the image ads have out performed the
text ads by a factor of three.

Add in the fact that with Adzly the viral component
adds in thousands of free ad views. Its become my
first go to advertising place.

If you haven't done it yet you should register at

Talk to you soon!

PS: If you really want your click though rate to
explode take the upgrade OTO with a 40% discount

And then promote the heck out of it to get your
adstream working for you.


Dennis Wile