711 You Won't See it again
711 You Won't See it again


Today Is Number 711
711 Will Only come once here:

Take a look at these numbers.

Days since launch 711
Ad views delivered 1,998,410,272 (that's Billion with a B)
Solo Ads sent 28,228,759

These area astonishing numbers from our very
popular and high traffic site. Profit from Free Ads.

Not only are the stats over the top but...

How about this:

You can earn across 7 levels at PFFA
Earn up to 548.50 per sale

You can send solo ads to the list
every 2 days if you are at the ad
pack level 7 Tycoon.

The average click through rate is 40%
on the solo ads and in many cases higher.

These are off the chart numbers that you
will not find anywhere else on the net.

I want you to experience this powerhouse
of mailer and expose your own sites to
high traffic every day.

It's day 711 at profit from free Ads
so here is what I am going to do.

Sign up under my link today and I will put
70,000 Free ad credits into your account
to get you started. (Value $350.00).


This is your lucky day. Make The Most of it

go get um

Jane Mark
JAM Marketing Inc

PS: Make It Luckier

Go for the top level. Ad Pack level 7
That's where all the action is.

Use this special discount link to upgrade your
account once you sign up and you will have
7 come 11 for your business every day of the week.


Mail every 2 days
Earn across 7 levels
Earn up to 548.50 per sale

Give away 70,000 free ad credits to each
of your sign ups. Build a list super fast
Mail to them every 2 days.

Pay once or use our flexipay system
You will pay more for Ad pack 7 in the members area.