Give Prospects a Free Report. Irresistible!
It's Not Just a List - It's a RELATIONSHIP

Be A Source of Information That is VALUABLE to Your Prospects

The key to getting prospects to take action is to give them something that they feel compelled to get. Make the deal so good that it can't be refused.

It is how you get signups for a free program, a lead magnet, or make sales of a product or service.

Make it irresistible!

That is how the Lead Capture Page system works at the NEW Your Viral List.

If your prospect has been trying to solve a problem or accomplish a goal, and then you offer them a free report that will help them do it, then it is irresistible to them. They will gladly give you their email address to get it.

We have Lead Magnet Reports and Lead Capture Pages for virtually every subject that someone trying to make money online could ever want to know about. With almost 200 reports to choose from, you are sure to find one that your ideal prospect finds compelling.

Free Members at Your Viral List get 1 Lead Capture Funnel for free and Premium Members get 2 funnels of their choice every month.

Just send traffic and watch your list grow.

The Money is in the FOLLOW-UP to Your List!

With YourViralList, you don't even need an autoresponder program because YourViralList has a built-in mailer so you canemail your referrals. Of course, if you do eventually get an autoresponder like GetResponse or Aweber, Matthew will connect it to your account, and move all of your contacts to it FOR FREE.
(I have 30 day free trials of each)

This is SO IMPORTANT. People want INFORMATION, not promo after promo.

Answer the question at top-of-mind in your prospects, WIIFM ("What's In It For Me?). When you DO THAT, YOU become the trusted authority, and YOU are there to make the SALE when THEY ARE READY.

Join Your Viral List and Get Your Free Lead Capture Funnel

I can help you figure this out. My consulting is FREE. Thanks.

Rich Moyer
1-484-902-8819 m-f 8am-5pm EST
Email: richard.moyer.1953@gmail .com
Get a Free 10 Minute Consult.
Paying It Forward...