Cycling Avalanche coming to the TGW Feeder: Get ahead of it.

TGW – Team Gone Wild.

How you can benefit from this cycling avalanche:

1. Buy 1 position in the TGW feeder or

2. Buy multiple positions in the TGW feeder or

3. Get a pif into the TGW feeder.

This avalanche will cycle your positions fast.

If you want to get a pif from an offer that
is too good to pass up, click this link.

Here are the cycling avalanche details:

A. 10 positions will be purchased one
right after the other, to kick things off.

Start date: Friday, October 12.

I have already bought 2 positions in TGW feeder
Wed. and will do so again on Thur.

B. Every day thereafter, for the next 5 – 8 weeks,
two positions will be purchased in the feeder.

Positions will be purchased between 6 am – noon EST.

This will cause the Next n Line position to cycle.

All funds earned will be used for pifs and for
buying additional positions.

Remember: every time you cycle Feeder 2,
you earn $1.00. Every time you earn $2.00,
buy another feeder position with earnings.

Any questions, drop me a line or give me a call.

Carl Goodnight