Yikes!!! 3 Plus 3 is on Fire.

As I have said several times before, in
emails sent out, the 2x1 feeder line would
have at least one new name added daily.

2 days ago, one new name was added.

Yesterday 11 new names were added.

People are going a little crazy.

Last number was #208.

At 1 am today (Sat.) I decided to check
emails and see that 4 more names
have been added, but will get final tally
tonight around 7 pm EST.

I bought another position in the 3x1, as
I do every Sat. while I was up. This position
bypasses all members in the feeder line.

Also, piffed 2 members of the Free Member
list, becoming their sponsor.

Free Member list is an excellent way to gain
downline members without actually recruiting

If you want to join the party, click here.

The real surprise and a sleeper of sorts is
the NEW Stripe matrix. Positions are being
purchased like there is a fire sale. Everybody
is moving here.

Here is what I suggest, if you are so inclined:

1. If you have limited funds, buy a position
in the 2x1 feeder.

2. If you have a few extra dollars, buy a
position in the 3x1 matrix.

3. If you are more ambitious, buy a position
in the Stripe matrix.

4. If you want to go a little nuts, buy a
position in the straight-line plans.

You should really have positions in 1 – 4,

If you are not on the spreadsheet, get on
one of them and check your progress daily.

You’ll see consistent movement in 1 – 3,
slower in 4 because many don’t know about

Any questions, drop me a line or give me a call.

Carl Goodnight