Stay safe and make the best of these odd times

Maureen here.
- We are in this together

How are you doing?
Staying safe and strong, yes?

We are on day ten of a total lock down in the UK right now,
it is tough as the sun is shining and normally on a
beautiful day like this I would take my Layla out for a
long walk along the beach but there is no way I can do
that right now.

Getting groceries delivered is my biggest challenge; on many
occasions one can't get any deliveries for at least three
weeks and then sometimes it is cancelled an hour before.

Public transport is unavailable and I do not drive.

Things I am doing right now to stay grounded are:

Attitude of gratitude each day.

- Today I am grateful the sun is shining,
it is dry so my roof isn't leaking.
- Today I am grateful for having Layla to keep me
busy whilst I work online.
Her persistency with bringing her bone every couple
of minutes for me to throw is to be admired.
- Today I am grateful to have an internet connection;
rapidly becoming my life line, I listen to the local
radio whilst I am working.

What are you grateful for?

I am taking this opportunity to grow

We have all purchased online courses and only gone
through them once and taken very little action, so
whilst we, in the uk are on day ten of the lock down
I am going to take action and turn things around to
have a positive result.

I have been doing more videos on YouTube.
Whilst I am extremely video shy I am getting into
the habit of creating one video each day but not
necessarily going public. Watch this space%u2026%u2026

I have been going though: Bulletproof your income
which is a course I purchased as a one off payment
of less than ten dollars.
I particularly like this course as it covers:
mindset, traffic and conversions, which are three
critical factors one needs to master with any online business.

What are you doing to grow?

If you need any help with your online business or just want to
have a chat to get to know each other better give me a
shout out, it is at times like this we all need to stay
positive, strong and become a warrior not a worrier.

If you need to educate yourself on the basics of Mindset,
Traffic and Conversions . . .

Simply click the link below and take action.

Stay safe!
BIG Hugs from Maureen.