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How You Make Money Building A Team Of Associates:

As a wealthy person once said, "Find a way to make 1% of 100 peoples efforts rather than 100% of your own and you will build true wealth!". Even with products as great as Genusity's, you're still 1 person and only have so many hours in a day. How do you fix this? You build a Team Of Associates! The more Associates you have, the more time is spread out over everyone and now you are utilizing hundreds of people hours per day. This equates to the possibilities of more sales... creating more sales volume thus making you more money!

What most people find in the Network Marketing Industry is that it's hard to build a team because the products/services they have are not needed by most customers. What you're going to find with Genusity's products/services is something that you've most likely never seen before... products that customers want and need! Most customers either don't have the budget for your products or they can get them at a local store for just a few dollars. With Gensuity's product line, we are targeting businesses and business people that already have a budget set aside for advertising thus making it very easy, in most cases, to sell them our products/services. Wouldn't you agree that it's kind of hard to sell a nutritional product to a pizza restaurant owner? But, if you have a device that can improve their advertising and bring more people in the door at a fraction of the cost of what their current advertising budget is, don't you think they'd be interested in that? Of course they would! And so will every other business and business person needing more customers!

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[fname]-Groundhog Day in Internet Marketing


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